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Health at Every Size® (HAES)

HAES supports people of all sizes in addressing health directly by adopting healthy behaviors. It is an inclusive movement, recognizing that our social characteristics, such as our size, race, national origin, sexuality, gender, disability status, and other attributes, are assets, and acknowledges and challenges the structural and systemic forces that impinge on living well. 

With a HAES approach, we understand that the BMI is not a true measure of health and work to recenter health promotion to measures that are medically sound (such as heart rate, blood pressure, glucose, cholesterol, etc) in addition to addressing health from a holistic perspective.

How can I help move Wake towards being more HAES?

Check your intentions and live your life!

Move in ways that are relaxing, fun, and empowering…or rest instead without shame. Treat all foods as worthy and none as “good or bad” and savor. Your attitude will be contagious and potentially give a friend silently struggling permission to engage in more healthful behaviors (such as resting when tired, playing when the mood strikes, and fueling with a wide array of nutrition sources).